I woke early this morning, to attend the casting call for extras in the new Avengers movie to be filmed in downtown Cleveland in August. Since I missed the call yesterday, this was the last chance. The only request was to dress in business attire. So I went with by recently pressed black suit, and bold blue dress shirt with a colorful tie, and my black patent leather shoes.
I arrived early for the 10:00AM start (I thought), arriving at the hotel before 9:30AM, but should have known when I was already re-directed out into another business parking lot, that I was going to be far back in line. At the time I had no idea how far back in line.
But everyone was in good spirits, despite the high temps, beating Sun, and hot pavement. Much talk about movies, and in particular superhero movies, kept things lively. About halfway though the waiting line, the hotel staff sent out some employees with a cart of cool waters for $2.00. They radioed back that they needed more.
Finally at about 12:45PM my group of 30 was allowed in the hotel. We filled out an easy application sheet requesting only the most basic of contact information (blue sheets for boys, pink for girls!), age, height, etc. Then they had everyone line up, take a number (mine was in the 2200's, and I think they started the morning at 0001!), and two at a time they snapped our photos. Then I was done. This part of the process only required about ten minutes. I was back in my car by 1:10PM.
Whether or not I actually get called, it was just fun to see the process, and have tried out.